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Position descriptions for Members of the Board
(Nominations are being reived for the following elected Board positions up to 5.00 pm on Wednesday 8 June 2011)

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While the President may be said to have significant responsibility for the affairs of the Association, the principal public task of the
President is simply to chair the Annual General Meeting.

The operational activities of the Association largely take place at Chapter level and are conducted by the members of the various

Others tasks are performed and projects managed by other office-bearing members of the Board (eg. Secretary or Treasurer),
working groups or committees established for particular purposes.

The role of the President in these matters is to ensure that lines of communication are established and recognised so that the a
ppropriate people are involved in discussions and the decision-making processes as the need arises.

The President is responsible for the conducting of Board "meetings" (usually electronic using email) between annual general meetings.
The business of these meetings is usually quite specific and focussed.

To a large extent, the role of the President is one of communication and facilitation. In order to perform this role, the President needs
to be aware of ongoing projects and issues which involve the Association and to act as a central  point of contact for both Association
members and people or bodies outside the Association.


The Vice-President basically assists the President in his or her duties when needed.

This may involve activities such as chairing the AGM in the absence of the President.

The Vice-President takes an active role in Board discussions, meetings and decisions at the AGM and throughout the year.


The Secretary participates in the Board's meetings at the AGM and throughout the year, takes minutes of the Board meetings at the
AGM, and maintains records and files of all such discussions and decisions.

The main work of the Secretary is concerned with the AGM and so the duties of this position tend to be concentrated in the few months
leading up to the AGM.

Prior to the AGM, this involves ensuring that all members of the Association are notified of the forthcoming AGM, calling for nominations
for the elected Board positions, calling for any motions that are to be put before the membership at the AGM, distributing the minutes of
the previous AGM to all members, drafting and distributing the agenda, distributing any reports to be presented at the AGM.

The Secretary maintains records and files of all this activity.

The position is responsible for inward and outward correspondence.

This includes ensuring that ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) is notified of changes in the members of the Board
and any other company details.

The Secretary is also responsible for keeping an up-to-date register of all members of the Association, receiving new memberships, and
receiving enquiries from outside organizations and individuals.


The Treasurer maintains the Association's financial books and ensures the auditing of the financial records at the appropriate time.

The position also involves receiving membership fees, sending out membership renewals, as well as collecting and banking all income.

The Treasurer participates in all Board meetings, discussions and decisions and presents a financial report to the Associations' membership a
t the AGM.

The Treasurer maintains the financial subscriptions to the Association's publications: ANZTLA Newsletter and ARI.

Non-elected Board Positions

Regional Representative

To ensure that there is fair representation of the members of both New Zealand and Australia, a member or representative of the New Zealand
Chapter and an Australian Chapter must be present on the Board.

The regional representative basically participates in Board meetings, discussions and decisions. He or she acts to ensure the interests on their
region are duly represented in Board decisions and in the various activities of the Association.

Most of the meetings are conducted electronically throughout the year. There are two Board meetings around the time of the AGM at which the
regional representative should be present.

Conference Representative

A representative from the Annual Conference is also on the Board.

As with the regional representative, this position involves attending the meetings of the Board at the time of the conference and in the electronic
discussions throughout the year.

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