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Membership & How to Join




Types of membership

Membership fees are prescribed by the Board of the Association.

Institutional membership

Available to any library involved in or interested in theological education or religious studies. This is a single site membership. Institutional members must nominate
a person as their representative. This representative is the contact for that membership and may attend and vote at meetings of the association.

Individual Membership

Any person involved in or interested in theological education or religious studies may become a member of ANZTLA. This includes staff of member libraries other
than the library's nominated representative. Institutional member benefits are not available to Individual members.

Membership benefits

  • ANZTLA forum
  • Member discount rates on ANZTLA monograph publications
  • Voting rights at ANZTLA meetings
  • Networking benefits of belonging to an association of like minded librarians!

Additional Institutional member benefits

  • Discounted member's rates for ARI subscription
  • ANZTLA consortium rates for ATLA Religion Index, ATLAS, Catholic Periodical Literature Index (CPLI) , Old Testament Abstracts (OTA), New Testament
    Abstracts (NTA), Religion & Philosophy Collection (RPC) and Proquest Religion
  • SAGE Publishers offers ANZTLA Libraries 50% discount on their subscription rate for print + online institutional subscriptions
  • Listing of journal titles on AULOTS
  • Access to update holdings on AULOTS
  • Listing of contact details on website


Membership Fees

Library membership AU$50.00

Individual membership AU$40.00

Surcharges will apply to foreign currency and direct debit payments. Please contact the Treasurer (treasurer@anztla.org) for further information.


Application for membership

New applicants for membership must complete the appropriate "Consent to be a Member" form. There are separate forms for individual and library membership
that can be printed from this website and submitted as an application for membership.

Submission of the completed form signals the applicant's acceptance of the Association's constitution and, in the case of library membership, nominates a particular
person to represent the library.

Upon receipt of the appropriate consent form and membership fee, the Secretary will record the new member's details in the Association's "Register of Members".

Completed consent forms and a cheque in Australian $ (payable to "ANZTLA Ltd") for the membership fee should be sent to the ANZTLA Secretary (see Contacts page for details).


© Copyright 1999-2013, Australian and New Zealand Theological Library Association Ltd